Friday, July 30, 2021

DFI - Day 1 - Core Business

Well I must say today was awesome......I learnt so much!!

It was really interesting to hear how Manaiakalani came about. How and why it originated and all the mahi that was put in to make it such a successful kaupapa for our kids. I see the local Manaiakalani facilitator come in to the school I work at and to be honest I wasn't really sure what she did. Now that I have a better understanding of it all, it is an amazing concept!! The whole using digital devices as a learning tool is really cool, as most of the kids these days are so tech savvy so why not combine education and devices to make learning more interesting and to hook those kids in to wanting to do school mahi and in a cyber safe environment.

Everything we covered today will help me become more confident when using the device and when working with the kids at school. I learnt bits and pieces over lockdown from my daughter when we were homeschooling. I had only just started my job as a teacher aide prior to lockdown. I was given a device to use so I could help kids out while at home and I tutu'd around on the chromebook and figured out what I had to do and my daughter was a massive help also. I may even be able to give my kid some tips now. The school my kids attend are part of the northern Manaiakalani cluster so they are pretty fluent in it. They definitely outshone me in that area, but not for long........🙏

I can really integrate my learning's from this with the young man I work with as he is very much device orientated. I will definitely be changing up his weekly plan and will use this style of teaching to his advantage. Using documents for planning and adding links will be much easier for him to relate to and access. Also using the voice typing tool, that will be so beneficial for his fluency and accuracy and will give him the reading mileage. So many tools that can help prepare him for college next year. I feel he will be far more engaged.

Next year I am hoping to be accepted in to teachers training so doing DFI will give me some what of an advantage for both professional and personal life. Being able to separate the both but in a digital world, being able to keep things well organised, easily accessible while all just living in a device. Its a win, win for sure. Going in to today's session I was rather nervous but leaving it I thought ya know what I can do this. I've got this!!

Unfortunately I haven't finished my visual media doc but will get it down over the weekend. My kids are home from school so it's time to put my Mum hat on 🙋